Pivot Charts - Configuration Options

General Configuration Options

The gadget configuration options can be opened by opening the "..." menu (top right corner of the gadget) and selecting "edit". Following chapters explain the options in detail.

Project or Saved Filter

The fields defines the source of tickets to be taken for the chart planned and real progress data. You can select any predefined filter availabel in Jira® or just select a specific project.

Note: the Jira Cloud version of this option does not offer the possibility of project selection.

Field selector

Used to select the issue fields you want to include in your pivot table.

Sprint fields

If sprint fields are selected, sprints will show up as combined ";"-separated values in case an issue was done in more than one sprint. Additionally also a "Sprint (latest)" is available in the pivot field container automatically, which only containes the last sprint an issue was/is assigned to.

Assignee fields

Selecting the field "Assignee will provide two assignee field to the pivot chart: one field contains the login name, one the full name.

Valuelist Extender

Array field values (components, versions, sprints) are usually combined to one value 'val1;val2;val3'. The Valuelist Extender will create separate datasets for each value instead of one combined. Caution: this might lead to higher results when counting issues or summing up values.

Chart Title

Define your own title for your chart to give a summery of the shown content or leave it empty for hiding any title.

Chart Height

Adjusts chart height from 40% to 140% of the original height.

Date Format

Using the option you can define the format of dates used for your table. Available options are:

Time Unit

Configures, how values in the pivot table cells are formatted.

Table Options

These options control display of total and average values per column and row: * Show total of rows * Show total of columns * Show average of rows * Show average of columns * Average calculation: do do not count blank table cells Two average calculations exist: either all cells in the table are taken for the average or only cells containing values.

Chart Options

These options contol the layout of some chart renderers: * Show labels in bar or pie charts


The optin "Do not open issue list when clicking on pivot values cells" blocks the function of opening the issue list by clicking into the table cells.

Note: this feature does not exist in Jira Cloud.

Epic link names

In case Jira Software(R) is used, tasks can be linked to epics. The information of the "epic link" is just the key of the related epic issue. Activating this option lets the renderer lookup the epic names also. Additional database lookups are necessary which might slow down the creation of the pivot table. Pls report any performance issue to support@mirrorlake.eu.

Refresh interval

Enables automatic refresh when viewing the dashboard.

Note: this feature does not exist in Jira Cloud.