Pivot Charts - FAQ

Pivot Charts - FAQ

How can I add a chart to confluence page?

You can embed a pivot chart also to confluence pages. Pls refer details follwing the below link: https://confluence.atlassian.com/doc/gadgets-204047542.html#Gadgets-AddaJiragadgettoapage

Is there a limitation on opening large issue lists in the issue navigator?

You are able to get the list of related tickets when clicking on a chart element. The longer the list of tickets is, the longer the used URL for the ticket list will be. Theoretically there is a browser specific limit which heavily depends on your browser type and version. Pls report any issue to us.

Is the Excel Export supported by my browser?

Excel Export is only working with Internet Explorer and Active X. If you do not see the export button, pls. check the following:

  • use Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE)

  • activate ActiveX support in IE settings

  • use a supporter renderer/aggregator (e.g. table/sum)

Why is my Chart empty or wh do see "syntax error"?

In complex configuration scenrios it could happen, that teh chart can not be loaded anymore.


Rootcase is a limitation in the length of the gadget configurtion stored in Jira. IF the user applies "too many and too large" configuration settings it might lead to URL messages like "Can't rewrite URL because it is too large". Also a completely empty gadget could be the result.

Fix / Avoidance Improvements could bring server side adjustments as described here:

We are working on a way to prevent too long configuration settings. From end user perspecitve you can not fix this issue, but you can create a new gadget and follow our recommendations for performance improvements (see below).

How to improve performance of dashboards?

Avoid loading data of unused fields

Only select fields for your gadget configuration, that you really need for building tables or charts. If you have fields in the "unused field container" you can remove the field from the chart configuration page.

Do not load data excluded in chart configuration

The field containers allow to deselect usage of certain field values. Massive use of this options carries two problems:

  1. The field data initially loaded by the chart is not reduced by this option. From performance perspective it is recommended to reduce loaded data adjusting the used filter and exclude issues showing these values.

  2. There is a limitation of configuration length that can be stored by the chart. If too many values especially of a larger length are deselcted in the chart, the configuration storage space could be exceeded and the chart could have problems to be shown with the next browser refresh. This problem is know and being fixed soon. As a workaround pls adjust the JQL and reduce usage of field value selection in the pivot GUI as shown below: