How to provide information with support requests

How to provide information with support requests

General information

If you ask for a new feature, need support or submit a bug ticket, pls add the following information:

  • used app and version (not necessary for cloud)

  • used Jira System (Cloud/Server/Datacenter)

  • used Jira version (not necessary for cloud)

  • used browser

  • Screenshots of your use cases, especially of your app configuration

During analysis of your request for support or bug report it might be necessary to send additional information about a specific use case. The following sections describe how to collect these information.

Creating a browser console log

Step1: open the developer console

  • Open developer console (in most browser by pressing F12), following example uses Chrome

  • Choose tab “console”

  • Check “Log XMLHttpRequests”

  • In case you have a dashboard with multiple app on it, select a specific gadget to see only log messages related to the specific dashboard item, e.g.


Step 2: reproduce the issue

  • Clear the console windows (in Chrome: CTRL+L)

  • Now re-do the use case (e.g. reproduce the bug)

Step 3: send the logfile

  • Copy-paste the console test into a text editor. In Chrome: right click into the log windows, save as.

  • Attach the log file to the bug ticket

Creating a har file

In some cases it might be necessary to analyse the network traffic in detail. This can be stored in an HAR file.

  1. In general do same steps as for “Creating the browser log”

  2. open the network tab

  3. Choose “save all as HAR file” with content