Plan Chart 2D - FAQ

Plan Chart 2D - FAQ

Frequently asked Questions

Is there any limitation of a maximum number of issues the chart can process?

No, not anymore.

Jira® limits the number of tickets a user can request using the REST API. Refer to the following article on the Atlassian® website for some hints on how to configure the Jira® server settings to adjust the configured max number: https://confluence.atlassian.com/jirakb/exporting-a-filter-result-containing-more-than-1000-issues-191500982.html

PlanChart2D versions older than relax this limitation by repeating issue requests 10 times. This means the max number of issues in PlanChart2D is currently 10*<maxResult>. A standard configuration is 1000 issues on your server, so most likely you are able to process 10.000 issues.

From version onwards, PlanChart automatically requests sequentually the next amount of issues until all issues are received.

Is there a limitation when opening a ticket list?

You are able to get the list of related tickets when clicking on a chart element. The longer the list of tickets is, the longer the used URL for the ticket list will be. Theoretically there is a browser specific limit which heavily depends on your browser type and version. Pls report any issue to us.